
Archive for November 12th, 2012

The electrochemical activity of new proton-conducting heterostructure (-)Sn | CsHSO4 | C(+) was revealed at first time.

November 12th, 2012 Comments off

CsHSO4  (cesium hydrosulfate) was the first acidic salt possessing high-temperature  modification of very high protonic conductivity (A.I.Baranov et al 1982). Now this acidic salt y as a member of the huge family of proton-conducting acidic salts, is considered as  a touchstone to study the opportunity to use these  family as an electrolyte in electrochemical devices. In this case an electrolyte has to have not only high conductivity, but also to be compatible with  different electrode materials. Earlier we (Yu.M.Baikov et al 2006 etc) have  revealed  that solid.hydroxide protonic conducrtors  (e.g. KOH.nH2O, n=1, 2) possess the high enough electrochemical activity even at room temperatures in heterostructures with graphite and tin (See this site.) It is important that they are not noble metals like Pt, Pd !!.

Recently we have synthesized novel heterostructure (-)Sn | CsHSO4 | C(+) and revealed that it is really electrochemical cell having stable e.m.f. near 0.7 V at temperature higher 450 K i.d. after phase transition in CsHSO4 . Such cells can work as a battery. Electrodes from tin plate and graphite rod without special treatment (!) provide the current density more than 1 mA|cm2.

From fundamental viewpoint it is very important to compare of  the eletrochemical behavior  of two distinquished   anions: basic OH- (proton acceptor) and acidic HSO4-  (proton donor).
