
Archive for April 18th, 2015

Hydrogen and Oxides: Solid Protonic Conductor[1,2] as Electrolyte in Batteries, Catalytic Activator[2] on Heterostructure, Modificator[3] of Charge and Spin Subsystems

April 18th, 2015 Comments off

1.   Solid Hydroxide Eutectics as Self-Organized Nanostructured Electrolytes for Small-Sized and Low- Power Electrochemical Devices at Intermediate Temperatures Range

Yu.M. Baikov, B.T.Melekh, V.A.Klimov, V.M.Egorov
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia

Nanostructured eutectics (NaOH+KOH),(KOH+KOH.H2O), (LiOH+NaOH),  (KNH2+NaNH2) have sufficiently more higher ionic (protonic) conductivity than their  “parent” individual compounds. Studying such phenomena is useful for physics of nano-materials as well as for promising technological application for synthesis and using for energy storage and conversion.

Full article available here
Solid Hydroxide Eutectics as Self-Organized Nanostructured

2.  Little-known catalytic and electrochemical activity of solid alkaline hydroxides for energy conversion and storage

Yu.M. Baikov,  E.I. Nikulin,  B.T. Melekh,  M.E.Kompan
Ioffe Physical Tekhnical Institute, Solid State Physics,Polytekhnicheskaja 26, St-Petersburg 194021

The effectiveness of chemical reactions used for energy conversion and storage is due to opportunity  of    ‘participants’    to  activate  mutually  or  one  by  one,  e.g.  the  activation  of dihydrogen as fuel by metallic electrodes. However, the crucial role, as a rules, play  catalytic agents or electric field, particularly to finding new arrangements of processes and devices for energy conversion and storage. Recently new (or little known) combinations of electrolytes and electrodes were found and presented in our papers [1-3]. The main part of them are different forms of solid ALKALINE [4] hydroxides.

Full article available here
Little-known catalytic and electrochemical activity of solid alkaline hydroxides for energy conversion and storage

 3. Chemical effect on spin-electron subsystem of transition metal oxides

Yurii M. Baikov*, B.T.Melekh, E.I.Nikulin
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Now one can say not only on the influence of spin subsystem on chemical properties , but also on possible chemical modification of spin subsystem. In this sense, the most effective way   is controlled   changing   of   the   number   of   electrons   by   mild   chemical   reactions.   Such physico-chemical modification is presented for somewhat different, chemically modified oxides of transition metal, namely, YBa2Cu3O7, LaMn1-x(Ca/Sr)xO3, CexSr1-xMnO3, as initial compounds.

Full article available here
Chemical effect on spin-electron subsystem of transition metal oxides
