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The main aim of this site
Dear colleagues from solid state ionic community!
Scientists who interested in fundamental study of solid ionic materials and their application for electrochemical energy conversion and storage!
I would like to draw your attention to informal consideration of fundamentals and/or possible opportunity of the application of solid ionic materials.
This site is opened for the discussion directly between scientists, but not through journal papers. They are sometimes published too long. Besides, frankly speaking, sometimes the reviewer’s opinion does not coincide with author’s opinion. Again delay!
I heard frequently: “Such site is needed!” But no movement! I decided to start to activate the participation of other colleagues. However, next question arose: «How to start?” I decided to start from my activity in solid hydroxides of different structural and textural forms. This paper is here. But protonic conductors are the smaller part of solid ionic compounds. Therefore it is necessary to include other type of ionic conductors, distinguished by major charge carrier; oxide ions, Li-ions etc. In principle my erudition extends on hydrogen-, lithium- and oxide- ions. It can be seen from the second paper in site "Self-diffusion of Hydrogen, Lithium and Oxygen in crystalline LiOH".
At this moment (the end of February 2012) the site contains pages devoted to different parts of the ionics. Each page starts from corresponding questions related to hydroxide protonic conductors. In accordance with the addition of new systems this order will be changed. (The list is below)
Articles of my colleagues
Find me here
- Electrochemistry (30)
- Electrolytes (5)
- Lithium (1)
- Materials (5)
- Methods (6)
- Protonics (1)