I.V. Khromushin, T.I. Aksenova

February 18th, 2015

Mechanism of gas–solid exchange processes for some perovskites

Experimental data on oxygen desorption from barium cerates doped with neodymium together with data on equilibrium saturation of cerates by oxygen were used for mathematical modelling of oxygen nonstoichiometry of the oxides as a functionof PO2. Such sorption parameters as ks0 and Q were determined by iterative fitting of experimental with calculated data and good agreement of experimental and modelled data confirms the adequacy of proposed model. It was also fond that LaMnO3 doped with strontium has a tendency to interact with carbon dioxide during sample annealing in air.

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Thermodesorption study of barium and strontium cerates

The method of thermodesorption spectroscopy has been used for study of kinetic of hydrogen, oxygen and water molecule release from doped and undoped barium and strontium cerates. It was found that oxygen and water molecules are released from doped barium cerate samples whereas only water molecule desorption took place from doped strontium cerate samples. Shapes of thermodesorption spectra for pure barium cerate indicate that phase transformations take place in low and high temperature regions. It was shown that oxygen molecule desorption from doped barium cerates can be described by a second-order kinetic equation and an activation energies of reaction were determined.

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